
How it works for business

Any size business, even governments can sign up too.

Sign up for a CaribePay Business Account

Payments complete is less than 3 second

Accept payment from CaribePay and customers

Get your funds at anytime, via check, your bank account, or on your CaribePay card immediately.

Receive your funds in your account or in cash card

Note: No bank account is required. You don't even need internet access or power to accept payments. Yes, it's that easy!

Photo identification is built into CaribePay so merchants identify each customer before accepting payment. Merchants get access to their funds almost immediately!

Is it really that simple to operate the system?

Accepting a payment from a CaribePay customer is similar to the way cash payments are accepted today.  Except, you don't have to make change and you don't have to worry about the risks associated with handling cash.

There are just a few steps after you have determined the amount that the customer should pay for your goods or services:

  1. Enter the amount owed into the CaribePay POS device.
  2. Ask the customer to place her CaribePay card onto the CaribePay POS card reader.
  3. The customer's picture pops onto the POS device's screen. All you do is verify the customer's picture and then tap the "Charge" button.

Within two seconds, if there are sufficient funds, they are deducted from the customer's card and credited to your POS device. If your POS device is online, the transaction is uploaded to your account in the CaribePay backend and validated. You can easily initiate the transaction upload and validation process by clicking an "Upload" button if you processed payments while not connected to the Internet. After your transactions are validated, on the next business day, you'll receive money for all the previous day's transactions into your bank account. That's it!

You can log into your account and see all your transactions at any time.


Benefits of accepting CaribePay payments

  • Speed -    Payments are done in less than 2 seconds. Every time!
  • Security - Payments industry standard security is used to secure all payments, our back-end, website and mobile apps.
  • Cashless - There is no cash to manage, no need for night deposits and no need for armed security.
  • Huge market - Almost anyone can have a CaribePay card including citizens, residents and visitors.
  • Low cost - Each transaction costs your business less than other non-cash payments such as credit/debit cards and checks.

Sounds great, but how much does it cost?

CaribePay has a simple per transaction pricing model. For each validated transaction, the business incurs a small fee of 1%. The minimum monthly fee is $50.00 per CaribePay POS terminal registered to your business. If, in a particular month, the total transaction fees paid by your organization for a CaribePay POS device are less than $50.00, the business pays the difference to CaribePay. CaribePay’s rates will be reviewed on an annual basis in conjunction with contract renewals to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.


Ok, fantastic, but, how do I get my money?

Unless otherwise agreed, on each regular business day, CaribePay will deposit the total amount of all payments that have been validated before 5:00PM on the previous regular business day into your designated local bank account.

CaribePay will email you a copy of the deposit receipt soon after funds are deposited into your bank account. Your deposits are reflected in your CaribePay account, so you can log in and see your account's history at any time.


How do we keep track of revenue and reconcile our books?

Authorized persons will be able to log into their CaribePay account and view all transactions that have been processed by specific CaribePay POS devices registered to your company. You will also be sent a full statement monthly.


How long is my commitment as a merchant?

As a "Launch-Partner", you'll have a trial period to decide if CaribePay is right for your business. When you decide that CaribePay is right for you, we will execute a service commitment for a minimum of one year. Service commitments are renewable annually and negotiations can commence within 90 days of your existing commitment's end date.



While the CaribePay POS Terminal is simple to use, we appreciate that it is a new system so we will provide on-premises training for you to ensure that you and your cashiers are comfortable using it and understand its features. Additionally, we'll post "How-to" videos on our social media properties so that new members of staff can quickly get up-to-speed with the system. We are also happy to provide ongoing training at our office.



Our success depends on your success. As such, we will provide support for any issues related to our terminals. In the unlikely event that there is an issue with one of our terminals, I think that should read within an hour of receiving your call. We will not take valuable time trying to repair terminals on site. We will replace it so that your business can continue processing transactions.


How do I get signed up to be a merchant?

Signing up is easy. Just let us know when you are ready and we can either come to your office, or set up an appointment for you to come to our office to sign up.


When can I start accepting CaribePay payments?

We expect operations to start in 2017.


Is CaribePay licensed to operate in the Federation?

Yes. We’re licensed by the Financial Services Regulatory Commission and Designated by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.

Move forward – FAST. SECURE. CASHLESS. Start accepting CaribePay today!

Use your CaribePay income the same way you would use cash or checks to pay your suppliers, employees, and others.

Pay all your employees quickly, as often as you like, by using their phone number, email address, or CaribePay account number.

CaribePay is cheaper than accepting credit cards or checks and safer than accepting cash. Move your business forward with CaribePay.

Log in to see all account details including income, fees, payments, and balances. Get detailed analytics about your business too.